my sanctuary.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

they say in the army...

so i didn't really slim down, instead, i gained. shux.

army's kinda fun. lotsa admin time, lotsa senseless fun. of cos it really depends on the people who make it happen. With a tweak in the minset, u can either be basking in the glory of pulau tekong resort, or be suffering in the confines of tekong prison.

also army's lotsa training; social training. Where u REALLY meet ppl from different backgrounds and characteristic culture; fellow recruits and trainers alike. You can chose to continue on your path, condemning everyone else who is different from you; or you can learn tolerance, and practice acceptance. I thought i had a large threshold for differences, until my patience was tested.

I guess we all grow in our own ways, but im sure im gaining more than just muscles.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

11 December 2008, Thursday

Ok so in the end, I didn't write the suicide note. (duh)

Its 3am and i just finished packing my stuff. Am gonna smuggle some katjes and crackers in =)).

Im slightly excited about the whole army thing, but i know im gonna miss many stuff. Family, church, friends, going online, eating FAT FOOD, and of course, my pink I/C.


Haha yeah people tell me I look patriotic in this picture, with the short hair and all.

so its goodbye pink I/C and hello 11B!


I'll be back on probably 24/12 (xmas eve). In the meantime, you can still sms me, i'll just reply at night or something. Here's to a slimmer Chee!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Dear World,

"Dear World,

Im sorry this had to come at a time like this. But there's no way to delay this anymore.

Unfortunately, the society I live in does not allow me to escape the harsh fate of conscription. Thus, i figured that the only way out is such.

Sorry to all those whom I have yet repaid my debts. I will plead God to pour out a little more unto your life when I meet Him in a while.

In the mean time, don't miss me. Im leading a better life up there, and the standard issue white robes here beats the pixellated green hands down.

p.s: please don't bury me at cck as I do not want to be haunted by the frequent gunshots from the nearby firing range.

with love,



I'm sure that if I show the officers a written letter like this, it would be able to defer my enlistment for quite abit. But well, you all know I'm not like this. Hahaha... Wait till i show my Mum this; she'll first get a shock, then later decide to really actually kill me.

Oh well im 5 days away. Can't say im esctatic, but i guess its not that bad. Free slimming and body building + actually get paid for it. Beats all that gym membership ;-)

Meanwhile, im enjoying life; sleeping till the sun don't shine and eating like there's no tommorow. This is what life should be like huh?

Monday, December 01, 2008


Today, i tried to access litespeed. there were only 2 notices about scholarships and a message from sumone trying to sell her prom ticket(obviously a dumb choice of media). I guess i never really liked litespeed cause it only spells trouble and work.

11 days away till i depart to fulfill the higher calling. time is not enough.


Postpone can?